Introducing a new trend in e-bikes

Introducing a new trend in e-bikes

In recent years, we have seen a lot of trends, innovative solutions and, of course, dead ends among e-bikes. Until recently, the last effort of manufacturers was to introduce larger and larger and even larger battery capacities for traveling around the world on a single charge, often with the argument that 28 kg is fine for an e-bike. I am very happy that many manufacturers have decided to go in the opposite direction and bring e-bikes closer to sports and trail enthusiasts who prefer playfulness, agility and, last but not least, a clean design without thick bars.

The first bird announcing the arrival of this trend in our store is the Giant Trance X Advanced E+ Elite 3, which is pictured above. In the size "M" that we have in the store, we weighed a respectable 21.68 kg in total. True - it is not the lightest ebike of all, its big brothers from the Trance X Advanced E+ Elite family (labeled as 2, 1 and 0) have reduced their weight to under 19 kg and we cannot compare it to motors like Fazua or TQ HPR50. However, compared to these, it is a full-fledged ebike motor with full power and 85 Nm of torque. The bike has a 400 Wh battery installed, and if that is not enough, it will get another 200 Wh battery instead of a bottle and another one for the backpack.

You can easily tell that this is really a trend and not just a fad by the fact that your extra light drive recently introduced a phenomenon in its field - Bosch. Specifically, the engine with the poetic name Performance Line SX. These electric bikes will be with a CompactTube battery with a capacity of 400 Wh with the possibility of simple installation of an additional PowerMore 250 battery, in a similar way to the Giant above. Unfortunately, we will not be able to get e-bikes with this drive for some time. The good news is that manufacturers Bulls and KTM have them included in their collections for 2024, so we will have them too. For now, manufacturers have these models as visualizations, under embargo or without specifications, more information will come later.

On the occasional blog Novinky z společnosti you can read about upcoming news, detailed reviews and descriptions of interesting e-bikes, and even some short-term discounts. It's worth following.

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