Svět - the largest e-bike retailer with a tradition of 14 years
Svět is profiled as the largest specialized retailer and sales portal for electric bicycles in the Czech Republic, with facilities in Brno and Prague . In our offer you will find a complete range of proven brands, which you can conveniently choose and have delivered free of charge via the online store. You can also visit our sales and service center with a total area of over 1000m 2 , where more than 200 new electric bicycle models are permanently on display with the possibility of trying any of them for free and getting advice from our trained salespeople. Given that we have hundreds of electric bicycles permanently in stock, you can also immediately pick up the electric bicycle you have chosen from us in a fully adjusted condition or have it delivered free of charge anywhere in the Czech Republic.
You can find everything here - from new models of mountain and trekking electric bikes, through practical folding ones, to a wide range of touring, city and special bikes. For all products sold , we provide a full warranty, authorized service, a brick-and-mortar store and warehouse, we perform bike electrification, warranty repairs, battery diagnostics and reconditioning, we provide consulting, and the opportunity to try out all stock models.
The standard of the e-bike world
- Great parking and immediate access to public transport (in Prague and on the metro)
All e-bikes on display for testing - over 200 e-bikes
Possibility to test all e-bike modes in the immediate vicinity, in the rain and under a roof
Qualified sales and service with long-term experience
Professional facilities, bike electrification, battery reconditioning
Brno store and service center
PALACKÉHO TŘÍDA 164, BRNO, ZIP CODE 61200 (shopping center near the Tylova stop - Jiří Mahen Library)
Opening hours: MON-FRI: 09:00-19:00 Saturday in season 9:00 - 13:00 Closed on Sundays and public holidays.

Shop and service in Prague
Trousilova 2, Kobylisy, ZIP code 18200 (shopping center Albert/Přemyšlěnská )
MON-FRI: 09:00-17:00 Closed on weekends and public holidays.
Visits outside opening hours are only possible by telephone appointment,
Brno: phone (+420) 733 320 758 Prague: (+420) 604 147 107