Focus on Bulls Six50 E1 CX and 4EVER ESWORD Elite

Whenever you ask us how much e-bikes weigh, you get an evasive answer that... well... a lot. The truth is that most of them weigh between 23 and 28 kg. Let's leave aside the heavy e-bikes with huge battery capacities and focus on the lighter and more maneuverable ones.
One way to save weight on an e-bike is to "not have battery integration". With such a design, it is not necessary to strengthen the frame, especially the down tube, so that it can both hide the battery and be strong, rigid and safe. Moreover, if for any reason we decide to ride without a battery, we do not have a huge hole in the frame. True, many manufacturers have abandoned this option, but a few older ones can still be found on sale, which brings us to the first focused e-bike. The Bulls Six50 E1 CX is one of those e-bikes that have been hidden somewhere in the corner of the store for a long time, while everyone preferred models with full integration, until they got into a sale with a price far below the cheapest available models, and with the Bosch Performance Lince CX motor, please. The weight of this machine is 23.08 kg including the sticker indicating a big discount
We all know how difficult it is to lose a few pounds, and e-bikes are no exception. We can reduce the battery capacity, convert to singlespeed, or replace the suspension fork with a rigid one. But we can't help but feel that we are sacrificing comfort, and we don't want that. Replacing aluminum and steel with carbon, titanium, and magnesium alloys won't please the wallet.
The second of the electric bikes in focus is proof that a high-quality, modern and lightweight electric bike can be made at a good price. The new model from Studénka , the 4EVER ESWORD Elite, has everything that a high-quality electric bike should have - an air fork, 11s Shimano Deore, Bafang M500, 630 Wh battery, and all of this has been squeezed into 23.42 kg (17"), which makes it about 2 kg lighter than competitors with comparable equipment.
- Tags: 4Ever Bulls lehká elektrokola výprodej
- Prodejna Editor
Comments 2
Josef Pivnička - autor
Dobrý den Stanislave, elektrokolo je dodávané kompletní, bez nutnosti cokoliv dalšího dokupovat, přiložená nabíječka je Bosch compact charger s výstupem 2 A. Ohledně velikosti si nejsem zcela jistý. Obecně říkám, že jezdit na příliš malém kole je nepohodlné, zatímco na příliš velkém je to nebezpečné. Jezdit na něm určitě můžete, je ale otázka jestli nebude vhodnější a pohodlnější vybrat některý z větších rámů. Tento výběr je potom velice subjektivní, proto pokud nejste z daleka, rádi Vás přivítáme na prodejně s možností kolo otestovat
Stanislav Vašků
Je elektrokolo Buls Six 50 kompletní i s nabíječkou a můžu na něm jezdit když měřím 180 cm?